Transnational Modern Languages promotes a model of Modern Languages not as the inquiry into separate national traditions, but as the study of languages and culture and their many interactions. The series aims to demonstrate the value – practical and commercial, as well as academic and cultural – of language study when conceived as transnational cultural enquiry. The texts in the series are specifically targeted at a student audience. They address how work on the transnational and the transcultural broadens the confines of the disciplinary area; opens an extensive range of objects of research to analysis; deploys a complex set of methodologies; and can be accomplished through the exposition of clearly articulated examples. The series is anchored by Transnational Modern Languages: A Handbook, eds. Jenny Burns (Warwick) and Derek Duncan (St. Andrews), which sets out the theoretical and conceptual scope of the series, the type of research on which it is based and the kinds of questions that it asks.